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Very modern room with very ancient scrolls!

great vibe

Thank yu! I invite you to experience my newly released game, The Second Clown Show

too dark

Where's the flashlight?

In the corner of the teacher's office, on the right side of the draggable stool, when I was designing it, I hoped to use this interaction to guide players towards the flashlight. However, it may still be too dark now. I'm sorry

Thanks for the reply. I can't drag the chair, I think that's the main problem. 

Maybe you can fix it [or just start out with a flashlight to begin with]?

I've set it up so that only one chair can be dragged—it's the one on the left among the two fallen chairs. You can drag it by holding down the left mouse button. By the way, I noticed a collision issue. At the spot where the two fallen chairs overlap, you can actually walk right through and grab the flashlight. Haha,I'll take your advice and work on improving this in my future projects. Thanks!

OK. Thanks I'll try again :o]

By the way, my YouTube short video on the itch page also shows the process of obtaining a flashlight in 6-15 seconds:o]